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Showing 1–12 of 109 results

Original price was: $419.00.Current price is: $200.00.
Original price was: $419.00.Current price is: $200.00.

Elnino 5’6″ Soft Top Surfboard in the Flow design a fun traditional short board shape for beginners through to experienced surfers. Wide and buoyant, awesome start for juniors from 7yrs up to learn on and progress with or experienced riders to enjoy a nice session on!

Now on Mad Summer Clearance under half price @$200!!! *no further discount codes apply

Comes ready to go with detachable fin system and single swivel legrope 🙂

Excellent build quality with single stringer gives stability for all performance levels

HDPE Slick / Non-X-Link PE Deck / EPS Core

Length: 5'6" Width: 20 3/4" Thickness: 2 1/2" 

Volume 39L                                                    

Suitable for up to 55kg learner/65kg experienced


Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $59.00.
Original price was: $119.00.Current price is: $59.00.

Quality Kids/Youths Manta Long Arm & Long Leg Wetsuits in Sizes 4,6,8,10,12,14

Unisex design ideal for Boys or Girls,

Now on Mad Summer Clearance under half price @$59!!! *no further discount codes apply

• Suits feature flat lock stitching
• Quality YKK zip
• Constructed using comfortable, stretchy neoprene
• 3/2 mm thickness
• Very flexible fit allowing great movement to enjoy all watersports activities!
• Check out the measurements for each size below
• Limited numbers available be quick!

Original price was: $459.00.Current price is: $269.00.
Original price was: $459.00.Current price is: $269.00.

Learn to surf with a El Nino Softboard Surfboard!

Includes Leash & Fins all ready to Surf 🏄‍♀️ extra bonus get a Free 1.5L Personal dry bag to keep your Phone, Keys & valuables safe this summer 😎

Elnino 6′ Surfboard in the Diva design a fun traditional short board shape for beginners through to experienced surfers. Nice and buoyant, so great for juniors to learn on and progress with or experienced riders to enjoy a nice session on!

Excellent quality board from Elnino who’ve been making Softboards since 1999!

Free Auckland Delivery within 20k’s of the CBD (Also free delivery to: Orewa, Omaha or Warkworth)

Process at shopping cart as pick-up & write your Delivery Address in the Billing Details – We are hand delivering these fragile items with our in-house team during the day & evenings (Someone will need to be home to meet our driver)

Length: 6'0 Width: 20 7/8" Thickness: 2 1/2" 

Volume 43L                                                    

Suitable for up to 70kg learner/85kg experienced


Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $167.00.
Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $167.00.

Adrenalin Men’s Tuff Butt Enduro Steamer Wetsuit!

Easy access Back Zip design

Hardass Panels: Reinforcements extend from the lower back to just above the knees to prevent wearing of the neoprene whilst seated on a board or just on the ground. Most wetties tend to wear down here, but not the tuff butt. Reinforced Knees: Same deal as the bum panel, these reinforcements add durability where it’s needed to prevent the neoprene from wearing down. means they are great for Free Diving, Kayaking, Swimming, Sailing, Surfing, Bodyboarding, Snorkeling or Canyoning.

  • 3/2mm thickness with Duraflex Neoprene – good balance of durability/flexibility and superior performance.
  • Flatlocked stitching for no-rash and strength
  • Heavy duty re-enforcing on bottom & knees
Size M: Weight up to 82 kgs Height up to 182cm

Size L: Weight up to 90 kgs Height up to 187cm

Size XL: Weight up to 98 kgs Height up to 190cm

Size 2XL: Weight up to 107 kgs Height up to 193cm

Size 3XL: Weight up to 115 kgs Height up to 195cm

Size 4XL: Weight up to 120 kgs Height up to 200cm 

Size 5XL: Weight up to 127 kgs Height up to 200cm

Original price was: $459.00.Current price is: $269.00.
Original price was: $459.00.Current price is: $269.00.

Learn to surf with a El Nino Softboard Surfboard – available in 5 Colours!

Includes Leash & Fins all ready to Surf 🏄‍♂️ extra bonus get a Free 1.5L Personal dry bag to keep your Phone, Keys & valuables safe this summer 😎

Elnino 6′ Surfboard in the Flow design a fun traditional short board shape for beginners through to experienced surfers. Nice and buoyant, so great for juniors to learn on and progress with or experienced riders to enjoy a nice session on!

Excellent quality board from Elnino who’ve been making Softboards since 1999!

HDPE Slick / Non-X-Link PE Deck / EPS Core / Single Wood Stringer

Free Auckland Delivery within 20k’s of the CBD (Also free delivery to: Orewa, Omaha or Warkworth)

Process at shopping cart as pick-up & write your Delivery Address in the Billing Details – We are hand delivering these fragile items with our in-house team during the day & evenings (Someone will need to be home to meet our driver)

Length: 6'0 Width: 20 7/8" Thickness: 2 1/2" 

Volume 43L                                                    

Suitable for up to 70kg learner/85kg experienced


Original price was: $229.00.Current price is: $129.00.
Original price was: $229.00.Current price is: $129.00.

Adrenalin Fuzion Youth 2mm Zipperless Steamer – awesome flexibility to maximise your favourite watersport!

Mad Summer Clearance @$129 limited numbers be quick!

A feature packed suit that offers awesome flexibility, sun protection & enough warmth for those long Summer surf sessions! No-zip entry and a durable flatlock seam offers good stretch, comfort and durability.
Flatlock seams that “breath” so won’t overheat 🙂

2mm Superflex Neoprene: mid-range 4 way stretch. Flatlock Seam: very durable seam which is best suited for warm water/cold air conditions. No Zip/Zip Free: The best zip is no zip at all! Knee Pads Shoulder Cinch: elastic fastener limits water flow.

Available in Youth Sizing: 12,14 & 16

Size 12: Age 12-13 Approx child height: 147-154cm (38-43kgs) neck to crutch 55cm

Size 14: Age 14-15 Approx child height: 154-162cm (43-50kgs) neck to crutch 58cm

Size 16: Age 16 Approx child height: 162-170cm (50-57kgs) neck to crutch 61cm
Original price was: $135.00.Current price is: $69.00.
Original price was: $135.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Previous season’s Manta Bodyboard Clearance!

Grab a great deal now & put away for Summer or a fantastic gift idea 🙂

New Manta Sonic 40″ Bodyboard $135 RRP now $69!!!

Features: EPS core / HDPE Slick / Channels / Std Leash

40″ Size ideal for Rider: Height 157cm – 167cm Weight 42 – 72kgs

Ideal value board to start your Bodyboarding adventures

Pick-up from Remuera OR….can drop off to you for a bit extra (Auckland Area or Warkworth/Omaha regions)

Original price was: $129.99.Current price is: $89.00.
Original price was: $129.99.Current price is: $89.00.

New Adrenalin Girls Youth Adrenalin Youth Steamer Wetsuits

Quality & established brand Adrenalin have been making Wetsuits & Sports Equipment since 1994!

Adrenalin quality junior spring steamers are a great flexible suit to keep your kids warmer, sun protected & provide more buoyancy, the perfect answer for building confidence in the water & enjoying their favourite water sports for longer!

• Duraflex Neoprene – for the perfect balance of durability and flexibility and superior performance.
• Smooth running YKK #10 non-corrosive heavy duty zipper
• Flatlocked stitching for no-rash and strength
• Multi panel construction with side gussets for extra comfort and a better fit
• No seams on collar or under arm to prevent rashing
• Extra gusset across crotch area to reduce strain
• 3/2mm thickness (3mm main body, 2mm Arms & lower legs)
• Check out the measurements for each size below

Original price was: $539.00.Current price is: $389.00.
Original price was: $539.00.Current price is: $389.00.

Introducing the Cobra 7’ traditional Elnino template to suit all riders.  These Boards have a sharper nose & rail design for some quick turning 🏄‍♂️ & bigger wave riding capability 🙂

Packaged up with Fins & Leash all incl. ready to hit the waves this Summer ☀

Cobra Softboard Specs:

  • 2 x Wooden Stringers
  • 3 Fins Thruster Set-up (also compatible with FCS)
  • HDPE slick
  • Non x-link PE deck
  • Eps core.
Length: 7'0 Width: 21 3/4" Thickness: 2 7/8" 
Volume 60L                                                     
Suitable for up to 100kg learner/110kg experienced


Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $75.00.
Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $75.00.

2P Thermo Long Sleeve Zip-Top.

Super-stretch acts like a second skin, comfortable and durable. The PP Thermo Zip Tops feature high tech knitted micro-fiber which provides UV 50+ sun protection, doesn’t hold water, is rapid drying and is highly effective against wind chill.

Other features include flatlock stitching for no rashing, extra length to fit a larger range of body types and internal FLEECE for extra comfort and warmth.   The 2P product breathes super well & is great for an endless range of sporting applications, including SUP Top; Kayak Top ; Boating Top; Mountain Biking Shirt; Jetski Top; Waka Ama Top. Great alternative to Sharkskin at a terrific value price.

Also works well to wear over swim set/bikini for extra warmth & sun protection

Suitable for Men or Women

Sizing Guide Below:

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.
Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Hit the shores this summer with a Redback Traction Pad 41″ Skimboard 🙂

Utilisers a soft foam deck top which not only gives the rider maximum foot traction with its crisscross pattern but also offers a more cushioned riding experience.

The extra grip will improve board maneuverability and will mean you never have to spend on wax.

Constructed with 9mm 5ply Hard timber deck and tuff waterproof glue ensure this is a durable product.

Great for both flat water areas or in gnarly bone-breaking shoreys.

Awesome graphics to finish it off make it an ideal Gift for the watersports enthusiast in your family!

Original price was: $428.00.Current price is: $323.00.
Original price was: $428.00.Current price is: $323.00.

Adrenalin Men’s Camo Spearfishing Wetsuit with 75cm Speargun Combo

Adrenalin Camo Steamer, a high quality 3mm stretch neoprene wetsuit to empower your stealth underwater hunting!

  • Duraflex Neoprene – for the perfect balance of durability and flexibility and superior performance.
  • Smooth running YKK #10 non-corrosive heavy duty zipper
  • Flatlocked stitching for no-rash and strength
  • Heavy duty knee pads
  • Multi panel construction with side gussets for extra comfort and a better fit
  • No seams on collar or under arm to prevent rashing
  • Extra gusset across crotch area to reduce strain
  • Cushion padded chest panel for chest loading

Immersed Hydra 75cm Speargun Details:

The shaft features a replaceable head and slider. And what’s more its plastic shaft supports reduce flex and increase accuracy and power. It also has a closed muzzle that allows for quick and easy loading. The Hydra comes rigged with Dyneema line and is reel compatible.

*Closed muzzle for ease of loading *Reduced flex and increase accuracy and power *14mm Euro rubbers *7mm Inox-treated shaft *Length: 75cm

Showing 1–12 of 109 results